SoDa Radio - Ham Radio for the USRP


In 2012 I began work on an IF radio to drive a 10GHz transverter system.

The previous radio -- an FT817 -- had worked well, but it was time for a change. This provided an excuse to try out the USRP/N200 software defined radio system manufactured by Ettus Research. It was also the impetus to develop SoDa, the software defined radio application for the N200. 

The goals of the SoDa project were modest:

• Function as a ``learning lab'' to explore software defined radio and

digital signal processing concepts.

• Provide a practical platform for interfacing to a microwave transverter.

• Create a versatile all-mode exciter for the VHF and UHF amateur bands.

• Improve on the performance of my earlier microwave systems that used an ``analog'' IF radio.


Ham Radio on the Ettus Research USRP Radio Platform

SoDaRadio is a complete VHF/UHF multimode radio suitable for use as an exciter or an IF strip for microwave transverters.